Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Back Again

Oh yes. I've been away from the QM as you can see from the dates between the previous two posts.  I've done a few good sized woodworking projects, which is done in the same space as my model making.  It goes without saying that woodworking and plastic model making, especially painting, don't coexist well.  I haven't worked on or even finished any model kits in 2012.  The first time in the six years since I returned to the hobby.  I did just finish a Lost in Space 1/24 scale robot, just to get me back in the plastic modeling frame of mind.  That took about two weeks and I now again have the 'plastic bug' and will plug away at the QM.


I've been putting together the photoetched davits from the White Ensign Models detail set.  As you can seen from the picture, the photoetched lifeboat davit is way better than the original kit part.  I will still have to modify the photoetched part.  The upper arm will need to be lengthened and the square 'box' (possibly supposed the motor?) will need to be removed as the Queen Mary's lifeboat motors were mounted on the deck above.

Other than the davits, I'm still working away at scratchbuilding all of the upper structures, working off of plans trying to get the measurements correct.  This will take some time.