Thursday, November 29, 2018

All Hands On Deck

I've finally gotten the deck laid down.  Templates were created for each section and used to cut out the decking material.  I didn't use the original deck as planned, but found a better one.  I used a sheet of MK1 Design 1/500 scale deck.  The kit is actually 1/596 scale, but they did not make a 1/600 scale deck material.  I think the slightly larger deck boards look better even if it is a bit out of scale.
The deck material is self adhesive and very sticky so I don't expect the deck to peel or bubble.  I also made sure the area that the deck would be applied to was sanded or painted very smooth for better adhesion.

Next up are the lifeboat davits.  I'm not sure now if I will use the photo etched davits or scratch build my own.

1 comment:

  1. Scott, your build looks brilliantly clean and spot on accurate. I'm following this project with much excitement. Thank you for sharing these.
